Elan E64-8x4 Field Book
Elan E64-8x4 Field Book (ea)
FLT P/N #:ELNE64-8X4
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List Price:$9.50 Your Price: $6.95

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Elan E64-8 x 4 Field Book
Left page has blue horizontal lines and six vertical columns. Right page has 8 x 4 blue lines and a red vertical center line. Appendix of 11 tables of conversions, trigonometric functions, and formulae for solving right angles and curves. Hardback cover, 80 leaves, 160 pages, page size 4 5/8” x 7 1/4”.
Elan Weather-resistant Field Books feature:
• High Visibility Waterproof Covers
• Constructed to withstand the
most rugged handling under all
climatic conditions
• High quality water-resistant
50% cotton-content ledger
• Waterproof blue and red inks
Sold individually, but they come packaged 6 to a pack
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